terça-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2020

A (real) Love story...

... Love stories sometimes happen with no explanation...
The Joy of Freedom towards Happiness
   Her name could be Happy. With no special reason for that, just because… she was born (like a shimmering star, and later becoming a Lone Star...). 
She loves to LIVE. With LOVE for someone in special, if existing, or just loving the WORLD around her!
   Despite some disappointments in the course of her life, she might consider herself very lucky and blessed, cannot complain, life has been GOOD to her. Of course, now she tries to protect her soft heart avoiding further sorrow...
   At present she is living in a sunny place surrounded by sea and beautiful nature, where the Universe conspired to make her Happy. There she is, Happy every day, since she gets up every morning with beautiful and warm SUN peeking out the window…
   She appreciates the fact of living on her own, surrounded by good friends and enjoying having fun, even if it's just over the weekend, in the places she knows with live music. Nevertheless, she can't lie to herself, now and then she dreams of finding “someone special (like her) to have a companion throughout life and be doubly Happy.
   In those saddest and loneliest moments she walks through the streets talking to the moon or the stars (when night comes)... maybe one of them is that special guy she once married to and passed away very early, few years after their divorce. 
They could have been a couple “till death do us part” but it was emotionally hard and stressful to live with someone very complicated and ‘anti-everything’, she was not able to handle it. She just wanted to be Happy.       Sometimes she looks up at the starry sky and talks to him “you loved me (your way, I know) but you did not know how to make me Happy, so wherever you are now please take care of me, help me to come across someone to love and be loved, as I deserve to...” 
She is crazy like that, talking to herself sometimes, or to someone invisible...
Dec. 2019

   One evening she felt in the mood to go dancing, so she arranged a program to go with friends to one of those bars with jam session.     Suddenly she saw him...up there looking at her... Inexplicably, she commented to her friend “look at that man, hmm I like him...” (something like that)… 
   Not normal "to see someone and to like easily”, let alone unknown person, not normal to comment immediately about it either...         Well, she cannot remember exactly how that happened, just that feeling of having seen him before in some other place!?
   Though, she never took any initiative with men, nor ever needed that (it seems so). 
So she went on dancing, Happy. 
He was around, and she could never imagine that her friend suddenly would talk to him asking for his name and introducing her. OK that was nice, anyway. 
They started dancing together and talking as if they were in that need of knowing each other... 
He was also a good dancer, very polite man, with funny talk and stories... Good start! 
So maybe they could meet again, or not... So they decided ‘YES’, it would be a good idea to meet again, with no beers and other people... so they exchanged e-mail and telephone numbers...

   Three days after meeting first time they were strolling along the beach with the dogs as if they knew each other for decades, treating each other affectionately... “not common, out of real world” - she/they thought - a feeling like between Earth and Heaven...
They were being attracted to each other and getting along very well... Could that man be Mr. RIGHT for her?... (she wonders)...
   It seems he can teach her a lot with his great experience, knowledge, and also very good energy. Since the beginning he is worthy of her trust… But (always a but in life)… one day he will be away, continuing his journey around the world...she won’t cry but obviously will miss (a lot) his voice, his touch, and the moments lived together...
   Probably he's a kind of sailor-with-a-woman-in-each-port, very busy man, he won’t have time to remind her... he will need or be willing to touch other bodies, other minds… In fact, he does not need a woman. Also, he tells her he will be happy if she finds someone to love and be loved.

   She should know, in this LIFE nothing is 100% perfect: also, they don't speak the same language, they have to communicate in a third one, so many things or deep feelings can be lost in translation... anyway, they try their best and they also can talk through the silence...
   Passionate lover, Happy is confused how to deal with such special new friend. She likes to get ‘full’ (if possible, everyday) attention from her loved ONE, for example, a simple “hi” in the morning or just before going to bed is able to keep her passion at the peak…
   Anyhow, she likes to be free and is so glad to have found this free lovely man. Even she does not want to "own" anyone (she knows LOVE is FREE), inside her it’s very hard to deal with the feeling of loving someone that way, she admits it.

Love is real, real is love
Love is feeling, feeling love
Love is wanting to be loved
Love is touch, touch is love
Love is reaching, reaching love
Love is asking to be loved
Love is you
You and me
Love is knowing
We can be
Love is free, free is love
Love is living, living love
Love is needing to be loved
LOVE we don't seek, it's the HEART that finds it!

   Still many things, many thoughts, are brand new for her. She was married in the past and, after divorced twice, she had a few unsuccessful love stories. She is always learning about life: about (real) love, for example, with no strings or no attachment, no jealousy...

   Summing up her feelings about that guy and their special relationship: 
- Very busy and wise man, important for many people and requested by everyone, HE really does not need a woman; 
- Woman committed only to her own Happiness or with whoever likes to go along with her, SHE does not need a man... 
Then, perhaps there might be a perfect symbiosis for a REAL FRIENDSHIP. This lovely man (who she will never forget) could be THE ONE: yes, a REAL (man) FRIEND – with or without... as she never had before...
   After a 4 weeks’ story with such intense feelings, including tenderness and also some “hot” moments, she feels he is really someone very special for her, who came up in her life to provide her (or them) with such wonderful sensation. And she admires him with his great knowledge.
   With no expectations, just LIVE AND LET LIVE! After all, their motto is "CARPE DIEM"...

“You know it’s love when all you want is that person to be happy, even if you’re not part of their happiness”

Physical attractions are common, but a mental connection is rare, like a gift. 
Soul bonds are priceless.

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